Am Ende soll ein klangvoller Name mit einem interessanten Logo herauskommen. Damit, wenn ich einen Laden hätte, mein Schaufenster so schön aussähe wie dieses von Greenwich Letterpress.
Beside all the market research, I have to find a name and a logo that represents me and my little press. Many german letterpress printers choose a name for their business, which includes the word press. They give their press a name. Like "Katzengraben-Presse", "Einhandpresse" oder "Berliner Handpresse" etc. And many american letterpress studios do it. To give an old dirty black machine the name "Black Pearl Press" is truly creative, isn't it? I like the way the old traditional craft of this business comes out through using the word "press", but I don't like the word itself. Should I think about a name for my little red press that stands for my business? Will it be a german name? Do I want an international name? I don't want it to be too serious, neither too fancy.
That. Is. Quite. Difficult.
It has to end up with a name that sounds well and fits my business. And that will look amazing on my window, if I had a shop like Greenwich Letterpress.
I found it very difficult to choose a name as it will be with you a long time, you just have to follow your heart :) I was very lucky to visit NY in March and went to visit Greenwich Letterpress, beautiful shop! I could have spent all day there! and very friendly but I couldn't see their press as they do not print there, but miles away! I just found out I have won a trip to Berlin in January 2010 :) Do you know of any good places to visit? Jax UK
AntwortenLöschenOh, I want to visit this shop someday... sounds amazing. And hey, you won trip, that's cool! Congrats to you. I can tell you my favourite places but it's a long list, so how long will you stay? And I recommend visiting in late spring or summer if it's possible 'cause the winter is so cold and windy here...
AntwortenLöschenAnd btw. I bought my press from lincolnshire, is it near your area?
We are visiting Berlin in January (4 nights) it has to be then, so I had better bring lots of warm clothes :) It'll be cool if you have your little print shop open by then I'll call in for "a cuppa" :) I'm in Lancashire near Blackpool on the North coast, Licolnshire's on the East Coast so quite a drive away...
AntwortenLöschenYeah, it would be really cool, if I have my little shop open... ha ha. I will be glad if I have online shop then at all. ;) it's so much work with the naming and the logo. (but, why I am telling *you* this) not to mention printing the products. the decision what products gonna be print it's not yet taken. omg. so we'll can have a cuppa in my little shop, if you come again in one or two years...
AntwortenLöschenI will send you favourite places I recommend to visit in january by email. just give me some time to prep it :) Are you travelling with kids?
No! I'll never get to see anything I like! ha! ha! With students from Uni so should be fun!
AntwortenLöschen... wie lange habe ich mich damit herumgeschlagen. gar nicht so einfach. aber ich meine, dass ein guter name und en passendes logo sehr viel ausmachen. ich erlebe oft, dass die kunden das "nebenbei" d.h. verpackung, logo, etc. auch ziemlich wichtig nehmen.