Sie hat aus einem alten Buch die Seiten herausgetrennt und es mit neuem Inhalt versehen. Lauter kleine Taschen in tollen Farben passend zum Buchumschlag.
Das will ich auch für meine DDR-Marken haben. Wie bastelt man so etwas? Ich habe in "how to make books" nachgeschaut, meinem neuen Lieblingsbuch mit den schön gestalteten Seiten.
Es gibt tolle und einfache Anleitungen für interessante Leporellos oder Accordion Bücher, aber es war nichts mit einzelnen Taschen dabei. Mmh.
Etwas hier und da gesurft, so einige Blogs durchforstet und schwupps ein tolles How-to bei Paper Source gefunden. Das wird aus Briefumschlägen gemacht, auch toll, oder?

Und jetzt brauche ich ganz dringend schöne Briefumschläge. Leider ist ja morgen Feiertag... argh.
Paper Source -> Envelope Accordion
I found some vintage eastern german stamps on a fleamarket last weekend. At the moment they lying around and I was wondering how I can keep them safe. I saw a nice accordion file folder book on Flickr that Kathrin from Paperama created. This book keeps her stamps in colourful little pockets and I thought that's a really cool idea! So, how can I make my own?
I flip through the pages of "how to make books", which is actually my favourite book. There are so many inspiring how-to's shown, but not that special one with pockets. So I browsed here and there and read blogs over blogs and then I found an easy and amazing way of creating an accordion file folder book by Paper Source. I'll definitely try this but tomorrow is a bank holiday in Germany, so the shops are closed and I won't get any nice envelopes. I have to wait 'til monday... args.
AntwortenLöschenthis is a great idea...i think i need it for my finds, too...thanks for your reply on your pictures...we hear....;)
nice weekend again...
warm regards
ines from the ladies from frauheuberg
p.s.bin schon so gewohnt englisch zu hoffentlich okay...:-)
I bought that book too, love it! Got to do a Zine (with illustration)for university, might do mine on letterpress! Will be looking at this book for some inspiration!
AntwortenLöschen@jax Oh yes, the book is so inspiring. I love the first pages where the "instant" books are shown. It's so simple to turn an A4 paper sheet in a 4 pages mini book. love it. ;)
AntwortenLöschen@frauheuberg I love to get flickr mails or comments from you, wether it's in german or english! the english comments involve the international readers (and sure there are just a few) but feel free to comment in german ;)