Eigentlich wollte ich zeigen an was ich gerade arbeite, aber das Foto vom unordentlichen Schreibtisch mit Papieren, Scans, Ausdrucken und Büchern überall sah einfach nicht so gut aus. Stattdessen zeige ich Euch mein neuestes Berlin Souvenir: ein kleiner süßer Radiergummi-Trabbi. Zu schade zum radieren, oder? Gibt es übrigens noch in Cyan und in Yellow. :)
I am quite busy these days, so I wanted to share some pics of my desk to show you what I am working for. BUT it is such a mess and the photo I took is definitely terrible. I deleted it directly in the minute I made it. So what you see above is my newest berlin souvenir: a mini rubber in form of a trabbi (trabbi = trabant = retro eastern-german car, ->Film) but really too cute to use it. Isn't it?
I am quite busy these days, so I wanted to share some pics of my desk to show you what I am working for. BUT it is such a mess and the photo I took is definitely terrible. I deleted it directly in the minute I made it. So what you see above is my newest berlin souvenir: a mini rubber in form of a trabbi (trabbi = trabant = retro eastern-german car, ->Film) but really too cute to use it. Isn't it?
its far too cute to use, I love it it's PINK too.
AntwortenLöschenAmy (from Stickers and Stuff)
p.s. you are totally welcome!
you are so nice, thank you ;)
AntwortenLöschenwo hast du den her??? *habenwill*
AntwortenLöschen@ Alex I got it at the Souvenir Shop near Brandenburger Tor. Unter den Linden, near Madame Tussauds.