
colourful tuesday

Zeit für ein wenig farbenfrohe Inspiration an einem grauen Dienstag. Über Typo und Illu im Stile der 50'er und 60'er kann ich immer schmunzeln!
It's time for a colourful inspiration on a grey tuesday. The typography and illustration of the 50ies and 60ies make me always smile. 

1. Yay!, 2. Cocktail Culture, 3. Get well soon, 4. Piano player, 5. Press Thumbs Here, 6. Mind Your Manners 1954, 7. Happy 2010, 8. german matchbox label, 9. blue summer, 10. The Breakers Hotel, 11. Hey Ho let's go, 12. Haunted Trailer, 13. how to enjoy a wet day14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available

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