
local colours

Mal wieder "ehrenWort" Tag. Diese Woche durfte ich das Wort bestimmen und nach der Methode Buch aufschlagen und ohne zu blinzeln irgendwo hintippen kam Lokalkolorit heraus. Eigentlich perfekt für ein paar Wörter in Berliner Schnauze, aber ich griff lieber zu Buntstiften und kritzelte alle Farbenzusammenstellungen, die mir zu Berlin einfielen. Was den anderen Lokalkoloriten einfiel: hier

It is friday and that's "ehrenWort"-day again. It was my turn to define a word for this week, so I closed my eyes, opened a book and pointed on "Lokalkolorit". That's an old german word, composed from local and colour and means the typical atmosphere or character (or "colour") of a city or area. This was perfect to get deeper into the slang of the Berliners but I found myself having more fun with coloured pencils. So I thought about typical Berlin colours.
See what the others have done at the ehrenWORT-blog

8 Kommentare

  1. Really lovely and fun. I especially like the Markt am Maybachuker. And currywrust, too.

  2. Hi Richenda, welcome to my blog! If you are in berlin anytime you have to taste "Currywurst" ;) It is a grilled sausage with curry-ketchup

  3. haha, na DU mußt ja nun Züricherisch lernen, wa?

  4. ja, das ist super! currywurst auch gut. hmmm!

  5. Hundekacke...hmm...very Berlin :D
    Loving this entry!


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