
Letterpress Christmas Card swap

 Viel Post trudelte über die Weihnachtstage ein, denn Jax hatte zu einem kleinen Weihnachtskartentausch aufgerufen und so schickten wir unsere Post quer über den Globus und freuten uns über einen vollen Briefkasten :)
I received lots of cards at Christmas, 'cause Jax organized a christmas card swap. So we sent our cards around the globe and this is what I got. I hope mine have arrived in time...

this one is from Gina, Dolce Invito

 from Karl, letterpressed with a smile, he included one more, so I kept it for next year

all the nice prints from Jax, Print for the love of wood

And these two are from Ian of the Printmonkey Press! Thanks all!!!

And a happy inky new year to everyone! 

4 Kommentare

  1. Oh wow, die sind aber schön! Tolle Aktion! Guten Rutsch ins Neue!

  2. Happy New Year Sabrina :) Yours has arrived at Printmonkey's and Dolce, mine should come soon!

  3. thanks jax! The postman should hurry up, I included something for your berlin trip.


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